Saturday, June 9, 2007

My dear little magazine people!

Magazine people always seem so happy, in their happy little glossy color pages! What do you do with happy little magazine people? You draw on them!!!! Nicely of course.
I did these collage sketchs on a whim last year and I just now dug them out of one of my old sketch books. I havent seen them in forever and they make me want to do more of this!

Cheers to you, little magazine people!

1 comment:

suzanne cabrera said...

Oh, I like these too! There is something so gratifying about having a mixed media pieces in your sketchbook...don't you think? Not only does it make a sketchbook that much more fun to flip through, but I think it also takes some pressure off having "high quality" drawings allows you to get messy!

Check out this link:
for some cool inspiration in this area!!!